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♥ shirrrleennn.blogspot.com

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Monday, November 01, 2010

it's less than 3 weeks till the final exams.

God, please bless me.

Please bless me that I am able to concentrate on my revision and not let others disrupt it.

Please bless me that I am able to memorize all the necessary stuffs that are required to be memorized.

Please bless me that I am able to do all my revision questions without any problem.

and, please bless my friends and I, who are revising their work very hard. Please bless them to achieve good results at the final stage.

Amen . ♥

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 11/01/2010 08:55:00 PM

Sunday, October 31, 2010

" Once bitten, twice shy. "

i should always keep this phrase in my mind to prevent myself from getting hurt over and over again.

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 10/31/2010 06:01:00 PM

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It doesnt pay for being good and treating others nice.

Should I still be a nice girl, or a mean one?

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 10/20/2010 12:24:00 AM

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

sighs. i dont know who to trust anymore.

i'd helped a friend, and what did i get in returned? getting accused?

what the heck.

it's not a good idea of being too helpful. you'd be taken advantaged of.

i shall not be a nice girl anymore.

i am so sad, so so sad. sighs.


♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 10/19/2010 11:35:00 PM

i wanna fall in love again; but im scared.

& now, i understand the feeling of being 'fooled' by someone who you'd fallen in love with.

im trying very hard to communicate with you; but your words are just so ignorant. do you know how hurtful your words are? have you ever spare a thought for me?

ive did nothing wrong. i dont deserve to be treated by you in this way.

you'd changed..

i guess, i'd better move on.

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 10/19/2010 12:28:00 AM

Friday, October 15, 2010

fucking hell.

you spoilt my happy mood today.

an eye for an eye. you watch out, you b* .

one day i'll definitely prove you wrong and make you apologise to me infront of everyone.

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 10/15/2010 10:32:00 PM

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

thermodynamics is driving me crazyyyyyy ! :(

oh my oh my ~ ! sighs.

whenever i feel so stress, i wanna call you. but im scared that you're too busy for me. oh well~ all i can do is to give you happiness in future. may we have fate again. lols. :/

why is my happiness short-lived? sighs. when i just started building my friendship with weilin, i had to come to aussie to study. when i fall for someone, the guy will be so busy for me. (but im sorry to reject guys, really sorry if you're one of them! i'd really love to have a boyfriend now, but to think of it, my parents wouldnt be happy unless the guy is more capable than me. eg, in uni now or having a stable job.)

yeaaa, finally did my laundry today. was so busy and tired to do laundry for the past few dayssss, 10 days or more ! lols. luckily i had enough clothings to wear for such long period of week.

exams and tests and presentation and assignments and projects are coming to an end. im so glad! :D cant wait for my longgg holidays to come ! (i dont miss the summer season thou) lols. i wanna go exercise, slim down and watch movies day and night ! :D

yayyyyssss ! hopefully my 'ideal' happiness for this coming summer holidays isnt shortlived. :)

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 10/13/2010 11:31:00 PM

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I am hating my current life now. People asked me why is it so hard to trust people, and i ask them back, why is it so hard to keep a promise. Sighs. Why is a promise so important that it can shatter someone's life and heart away? Is it really that difficult to keep a promise? Is it really that difficult?


cant be bothered to write further .

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 10/12/2010 12:20:00 AM

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Life is planned properly for you by God. If you've the destiny and fate to meet someone, you'll bound to meet him/her. If not, God will handle the rest. :)

Anyway, just to update my life in Perth. :)
Exams are coming. Recently I've got back some of my mid-semester tests' marks already. Quite happy with my marks, but at the same time, disappointed cause I know I can score better as my friends scored better than me. :(

I'm supposed to be joining a friendly-match today, but will be playing as reserve since 'the girls-things' came. :( quite disappointed thou. I've been looking forward to this day, but my period came yesterday morning. Oh well~ Maybe it's really God's will for not wanting me to play badminton, for He's afraid I may injured my finger (like the first time how I injured it). hahahaha. :p

Gotta go guys and girls ! :)

You'll be missed !

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 10/09/2010 11:19:00 AM

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jerks. Being single is a lot wiser than being in a WRONG relationship!

Perfect life is when you can do this 4L: "Leave Lies, Live Life!"

Friendship isn't about who stays the longest by your side but who stays the longest in your heart.

Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship.

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 8/21/2010 11:26:00 PM

Thursday, July 08, 2010

hello everyone, how are you? :)

lately im super busy by my boredom. lol. jk. hahahaha. exams are over, and am having holidays till 30th july. next semester i'll be taking 4 modules instead of 5, but all of them are full credits unit. sighs. it must be hard.

past few days ive been looking thru some mobiles, HTC Desire and Blackberry 9800.

Click here for more information for BB 9800: GSM Arena
Click here for more information for BB 9800: Gizmodo

Click here for more information on HTC Desire: HTC Website

yeah, im super interested in both phones. however i dont really know the specifications for the bb9800, but i'd love to get a BB as my plan comes with unlimited berries browsing and 250MB data usage.

however, as for the HTC, i doubt 250MB will be enough for me! hahaha. my customers have been telling me how fabulous the HTC was, and they made me so excited into getting one. however, when i asked them about the battery life, they say usually it'd last for 1.5 - 2days for normal usage, and around 6-8 hours when WIFI is used. sighs. HTC Desire's poor battery life is seriously a major disadvantage, unlike berries one, they can last for a couple of days even when WIFI is used often.

oh man. which should i get? :( could anyone help me look-out for the pricing in singapore, pretty please? :))

tonight's gonna have thunderstorm, and for tmr too. yay! i love thunderstorms. i love the sound of the heavy rain falling down on my roof. =P hahaha.

gotta go now ! ciaos ppl !

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 7/08/2010 10:09:00 PM

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

i passed my chemistry mid-sem exam ! wahahaha. but didnt really score well. only score a low Distinction. sighhhhhs. but at least i passed ! wahahaha .

sorrrrrry that i cant blog these few days!

busssyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :(((

take care all ! :D

will update asap again ! :DD

who can i trust, now?

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 5/04/2010 09:55:00 PM

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


im having a bad headache now! from morning till now, even after taking a panadol!

geeeeesh. tmr's my chemistry exam. 15 MCQs, hopefully nothing will go wrong.

God Bless Me :)

- In need of speedy recovery for final revision for exams -

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 4/28/2010 11:54:00 PM

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

once again, good evening everyone! :)))

how's your day/week/weekends? good?

for those residing in aussie, how's your ANZAC day?

mmm. back to studies, recently i should tell myself to stop procrastinating that chemistry is easy and fun, when it isnt. lols. i simply dont know why i take chemical engineering when i dislike chemistry so much! *confusedddd*

today after the process analysis lecture, hwisung, joso and i went to engineering common room to study after they had their lunch. everything is great till a bunch of morons walked in. 3 guys and 2 girls, so damn bastards and bimbos. talked so fucking loud, and keep saying the 'PENIS' word. they think they're so cool when other people in the room felt so irritated as they're revising their work too. i think they're from msians, if im not wrong. freak man. fucking 2 bimbos, talked till so freaking annoying that they pisses me off, making my day from good to extremely bad mood. grrrrr. please dont let me meet such those people again. they're just so fucking annoying.

sorry if i use the f'-word. just super irritated now when i thot of this incident.


watched a documentary with tony and eva just now from 8.30pm-9.30pm. it's about dissecting of an elephant, to know the eating behavior, why it has such a humongous body and the purpose of every part of its body. the show isnt that bad, quite interesting! :))) didnt know elephant has 3 layers of muscles beneath it's layer of skin leading to its digestive system! hahaha.

alright, bedtime!

gooooooood night everyone! lollipop dreams !

단지 꿈이 아니라면

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 4/27/2010 10:07:00 PM

Saturday, April 24, 2010

How to Train your Dragon !

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 4/24/2010 02:27:00 PM

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

initially, im not stress for my 2 mid-term tests on a day, which is tmr (thursday) ;

but looking at all my friends who are stressed-out,


God, please bless me that I can do both papers at ease tomorrow.

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 4/21/2010 06:09:00 PM

Monday, April 19, 2010

Till today, i realised that ive got 3 types of friends.

1. those who are only your hello-byebye friends
these friends, they will always be the one who is the most outgoing and fun to hang around with when you need some accompaniment if you're down. these friends, they'll be loyal and true to you if you treat them the same. =) i can say that my majority of friends falls to this group.

2. those who are friends in front of you, and at the back, they'll betray (be it trust, loyalty, etc) you
these friends, or should i call beast, are the worse type of friends ever. backstabbers/betrayers. you should never befriend of them. they only come to you when they need you. but once you're useless to them, they'll betray, back-stab and speak ill of you. and then, in the end, you'll get dumped. they'll dig out all your deepest secret, obtain all your informations (school notes and such) and then ignore you after they're done or when you have nothing to give it to them. in this society of humanity, there's lots of these classes of people you'll meet once you make your first step into the working society. these people are also the main person who are the t'chers' pet or should i say, bootlicker. :) im sure everyone knows what's the meaning of bootlicker, thus i shall not say more.

only did i realise that after i stop using facebook, many removed me from their friend's list. some even removed me before hand. there's this faggot, whom i shall not name and i'll name the person as F. this damn bloody faggot F, digged out everything of me, betrayed my trust, and then stop all friendship. what a bloody f*er person. for those who are close to me, i think you should know who im referring to. always when i see F, i wanna give a tight slap to this faggot. fuck you faggot. (how i wish i can curse and swear at you, but i know if i do this, i'll have retribution on the curse and swear i put onto you in future. so yea, i decided not to do it as im not that fucked up as you.)

3. those who are your only closest, most loyal and trustworthy friends
yes, these are the people who you should be true to them. be true, and they'll be real. they'll cheer you up when you're down. they will never ever leak out a single of your secrets. they'll always be there for you when ever you call, sms or need them. they'll always be the one beside you. so far, i can say im lucky to have a few of these friends. although the numbers can be counted with one hand, but im alr most stastified. :))) they are lydia lim, wei lin and henry tan! :))) hahaha.

oh well ~ enough said. so, which type of friends do you belong to? :)))

sorry if im using foul words in this post. im just too pissed off with the faggot.

it's getting late.

goodnight everyone !

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 4/19/2010 10:41:00 PM

Friday, April 16, 2010

A song I love;

This is the day

This is the day
This is the day
That the Lord have Faith
That the Lord have Faith

We will rejoice
We will rejoice
and be glad in it
and be glad in it

For this is the day that the Lord have Faith
We will rejoice and be glad in it

This is the day
This is the day
That the Lord have Faith ~

I used to love this song alot when im in Girls' Brigade. :)))
and i still sing it when im down. :)))

sighs. these few days im still down. have no idea what's happening to me at all. :((( maybe it's due to the exam stress; but i cant feel any stress from the mid-term! goshhh. everyone is stress with the many revisions they have to make. but me, im stressed because i dont know what to study!!! i feel so screweddd, seriously screwed.

i am scared, scared that i cant achieve good results. i wanna maintain an avg of 75 or at least 80 for this sem. i wanna aim for HD (high distinction, in case some of my friends so not know). i got damn depress that for the last sem, i short of 2-3 marks to get a HD. even though all my friends have been telling me that i'd did quite well, but to me, it's just a average marks. i know i can do better than this as there're others who scored higher marks than me.

sighs .

Please help me, God. :)))

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 4/16/2010 07:48:00 PM

Thursday, April 15, 2010

hello my dearest blog .

you're my best friend now. :)))

im feeling so down today. it's like a 'out-of-sudden' thing. i just dont know why the thought of nic seriously still bothers me. i am living like a normal person till today, when i found out he removed me from his facebook friend's list. im just wondering, are we still friends? or he removed it because he thinks i dont wanna befriend with him anymore as i didnt talk to him? there're so many doubts.

but all i can say is that, he is childish and petty? that's what my other friends describe him after knowing this incident. a break-up doesnt mean end of friendship, but if he really insist, he is seriously the damn childish and petty guy ive ever met.

Only God knows what's he's doing and i know i did not do anything wrong, yeah, so i shall not give a damn to this matter anymore from today onwards. be it he's dead or alive, such person like him will never leave a single trace of memory in my mind anymore.

ive decided to deactivate my facebook for the time being, mainly because i wanna concentrate on my exams and studies and assignments/projects/reports first. facebook is super addictive. and, please dont mistaken me of deactivating facebook because of nic. he's not that worthy. :))))

my blog is my best friend, the only friend i can confide all my secrets to and it'll never spread rumors unless someone else read it and leak out words. :)))

im so happy to have you, my dearest blog :)))
i love you

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 4/15/2010 08:54:00 PM

i miss my friends . :(((

girls in pink ; boys in blue

lydia lim
su fong
thye wah
neo hong wei
wei lin
judy jie
paul cheng
henry tan
xun xiong
ben didi
corny kor
linda neo
seet hao
sok mey
joseph tan
jackson heng
lim zhong
starrry jovlyn
jasmine gan
clara chua
xu wanqi
leng han

i miss my maple and silkroad friends too . :((

too many to be named . :(((

sighs .

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 4/15/2010 04:57:00 PM

Sunday, April 11, 2010

fuck .

analytical and inorganic chemistry
semi-micro lab test
10th may 2009 ; 11.30am to 2.30pm

practical and written lab test .

heard from previous students that only 10% pass the lab test .

fuck fuck fuck .

im so screwedddd .

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 4/11/2010 08:02:00 PM

Sunday, March 14, 2010

oh ! anyway ,

im S I N G L E .

just ignore the pics at the bottom .

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 3/14/2010 10:17:00 AM

hello everyone (:

rise and shine !

tdy's weather is as hot as yesterday's one, even thou the temperature is 10degrees lesser. yesterday's temperature was like ... 39degrees celsius?! lols. im so happy that i practically survived thru the summer in australia this year. lols.

studies is tough for me now . everything seemed so alien to me. ive never studied any of the stuffs when in poly or sec sch. gosh.

Goddess of Mercy, please help me. :]
amitabah .

hmmm. had a small chat with hairi in msn. SO NICE. it has been 5-6years since we last contact. he's my toys'R'us Supervisor. hahaha. a funny and cool guy to hang out with. =D cant wait to go back sg to look for him ! hahaha.

anyway, i finally brought my piglet to aussie ! :D and im so loving it ! hahahah . my lovely piggy pig ! hehe . it was a gift from jackson :D thankkkyeewww !

alright . gotta go ! cya and take care babes and dudes !


♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 3/14/2010 10:06:00 AM

Thursday, February 25, 2010

i know what i should do next.

thanks to my friends who are always there for me.

wei lin, lydia, michelle ong zi hua, serene tan, theodore, henry tan, benjamin lee, jonathan tang, zulina, sok mey, and more!

and, many thanks to theodore for hearing all my hearts out. im glad to have a friend like you. dont be shocked about the thing that i did on the 22nd feb. ='( if i cannot take it again, i might do it again, and this time is real! =x

i love you guys man ! ♥♥♥


♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 2/25/2010 08:49:00 PM

Friday, January 22, 2010

heys everyone, im back ! miss me? (:

oh well ~ suddenly feel like blogging.

just eaten my dinner and had gave a few thoughts on some things.

i wonder and ponder, why am i always suspecting something? did i make a wrong choice or what? someone is hiding something from me. i really wanna know what it is. i dont really feel that comfortable now, where i dont have this feeling before.

ive heard from many, 'love someone for who they are; and not what they are'.

i just wonder, is that true? it may be a myth, for it's 21st century now.

and, sometimes i just question myself this, 'why do couples quarrel over small matters where they always end it by ending their relationship?'

i posted that onto my facebook, and within one day, i received quite a few responses. of all, i totally agree to Zhong's response:

" Lim Zhong says,
because the other party doesnt love u enough to try. cold hard truth. there's no happily every after per se, everyday rosy no quarrels. but u can be happy, just tt it requires hard work and effort.. effort tt some selfish b@stards or bitches cant be bothered to put in. not prepared to work at it, then dun get tgt in the first place, and save all e iloveyous.

shir i hope tt was just a general question, not pertaining to u..

yeah, hopefully what and how i feel now, will end it very soon.... *sighs*

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 1/22/2010 07:26:00 PM

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

sighs .
sometimes i feel like crying out loud .

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 10/28/2009 12:37:00 AM

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Rest in Peace, my Dearest Cousin

May Angels in the Heaven Protect You Always

Even both of us aren't that close, I'll still treat you like a real brother for the words you'd said to me during Chinese New Year 2009, I'll Always Remember Them.

Thou I Know You Wont Be Able To Read What I've Typed, I'm Sorry I Couldn't Make It To Send You Off The Last Time.

You'll Always Be Remembered Dearly by Me Forever

I Miss You

♥ shirleen is a str0ngg girl ;; 9/05/2009 10:43:00 PM